Culinary delights

A peek behind the scenes!

What would life be without delighting in pleasure? Without delicacies to tickle the palate, without sensual pleasures, without good company at the table? Just one more reason for us to provide our guests with first-hand recommendations and helpful information, and invite guests to visit the kitchens and the Wine Cellar. Because there is always something to learn, and an infinite number of lovely stories to tell.

Kochen mit Oliver Steffensky

Kulinarisch Neuland entdecken, das eigene Repertoire erweitern und aus erster Hand lernen – Küchendirektor Oliver Steffensky ist ein begnadeter Vermittler und verrät so manches Geheimnis aus der Bareiss-Küche. In seinen Kochkursen verbinden sich Fachwissen, Kitchentalk und Genuss zu einem gehaltvollen Erlebnis am Herd und bei Tisch.

Here’s to an oenophilic journey of discovery

Classics and new discoveries, Bareiss Edition wines or selected wines with differing emphases: we invite guests to take oenophilic journeys of discovery during tasting sessions and tours of our Wine Cellar, under the knowledgeable direction of our Sommelier who imparts interesting facts and curiosities, presents our best vintages, or stages a school of the senses with our recommended wines. Cheers!

