Your hosts

Owner-managed family hotel

Owner-managed family hotel, liberal-minded holiday home, lively three-generation hotel – the Bareiss lives from its alert spirit and warm soul. We believe in the power of interpersonal encounters and the feeling of being in the right place at the right time. Among well-meaning people who greet you with open hearts and accompany you through the day with tangible pleasure. Our hotel has been characterised by a deep sense of family since its founding. Togetherness enjoys a high status – both for us privately, and regarding openness towards our employees and guests. Because personal closeness is a soothing quality, because good conversation is irreplaceable, and because the promise – family hospitality – is truly a matter of the heart.

Hermann Bareiss

One man. One hotel. And a huge heart. Hermann Bareiss turned the »Kurhotel Mitteltal« into one of Europe’s best hotels, and has deservedly gained a personal reputation as a host, homeland ambassador and sponsor of young talent – far beyond the region itself. He has received numerous awards for his life’s work – and is simply »the patron« for the hotel’s guests. Whereby only one thing is always important for him: making guests at the Bareiss happy.

Britta Bareiss

The hotel industry. Marriage. And a woman’s diplomacy. Britta Bareiss discovered her love for the profession and for Hannes Bareiss here. Since the birth of her daughters, Hanna and Heidi Marie, she holds her own beside him as the ‘First Lady’ in the front row of the management team. With her social sensitivity, her wide-ranging spirit of interested initiative, and infallible female intuition.


Hannes Bareiss

Training. Degree. And travelling the world. Hannes Bareiss gained experience both in Germany and abroad before taking his place at the side of his father. If, for once, his focus is not on the hotel, then his heart belongs to the family and to hunting. He joined the management team in 2010 and, since 2015, the hotel has been run by a family trio that includes his wife Britta.

Kai Schmalzried

Courtesy personified – and always present wherever this is required: Kai Schmalzried is the nephew of Hermann Bareiss and originally at home in Düsseldorf. The hotel industry is in his blood and, as Guest Relation Manager here at the Bareiss, he is the personal contact for all requests and concerns that the guests want rapidly settled, correctly understood and organised – or simply want to get off their chests. His desk is diagonally opposite the Reception.

The Bareissers

A hotel lives from its guests – and from the class of its team that creates the hotel’s spirit. A team of 250 employees who do their best for the satisfaction of our guests is behind the success of our Bareiss. Each in their place and role, each most professional and competent in their area of speciality. A real Bareisser translates their love of the profession into a beneficial triad:
passion for the hotel industry, social sensitivity for everything that is human, with their hearts in the right place.

Our guests say:
